Yeah, Well, Anybody Could Do That With a Camera

Straight Guy,

A friend forwarded me this YouTube clip of Sam Tsui. Tsui's a Yale student who sings and makes videos. He's becoming something of an internet hit, thanks to a boost from Perez Hilton, if you can call a shout-out from Perez Hilton a credible career accessory.

On his Facebook page, Tsui writes: "Singing and creating music is what makes me happy, and something I couldn't ever imagine not doing!" (I know my bargain-basement college education insecurity is showing but how did the lad get into Yale with a triple negative phrase like the last one?)

He is really talented, and I enjoyed the Michael Jackson medley. You're an MJ fan, so I hope you do, too.

But what is going on with the jeans? There is something oddly ill-fitting. Is she sporting some kind of 21 century cod piece? Is the fading just sort of tragic?

--Gay Guy

P.S. I've no idea if he's gay or straight. Just liked the clip.


Anonymous said...

Wow. This is amazing. Very talented!

Spot said...

Omigod. That was amazing! He may not be grammatically correct, but he's really talented with a camera and his voice.

Although, I do agree...about the oddly ill fitting jeans and codpiece??


Tea said...

I loved it. It was so creative. I think we'll see more of him in the future.

I was reading a post earlier in the week about rock star bulge. Maybe he read it too.

Tea said...

I just read my last comment and can't believe I just said the rock star thing... I'm so embarrassed. (but is was obvious) hehe.

Straight in Upstate said...

Bring back the jump rope team! :)

kathryn said...

Well. Obviously, they all agreed to wear the same, exact jeans. Regardless of whether they fit anybody properly.
Beautiful voices.
But,where GG noticed the ill-fitting jeans, I noticed the guy off to the left. Different jeans, diff outfit entirely...was he the sound-effect guy? I'll admit, I didn't watch this thru to the end...oven timer rang.
Meatloaf, anyone???

ssparks123 said...

Hey Kathryn.....I dunno if you've figured this out yet, but they are ALL the same guy. It is Sam Tsui from Yale University and the reason they look alike is because they are all the same person. His buddy, Kurt, is the one to the left and he is the brains behind the video/special effects operation.

ssparks123 said...

Hey Kathryn.....I dunno if you've figured this out yet, but they are ALL the same guy. It is Sam Tsui from Yale University and the reason they look alike is because they are all the same person. His buddy, Kurt, is the one to the left and he is the brains behind the video/special effects operation.

Gay Guy / Straight Guy Archive