Straight Guy Gift Guide, Day 4: Cheeseburger Mini

Hello Straight Gals,

Are you hungry for some attention from your straight guy, while he's often just plain hungry? Here's a great idea for meeting halfway.

[Insert lame "nice buns," "special sauce," or "hold the pickle" joke here.]

Original artist's site. Instructables has a simplified how-to here.

--Straight Guy


Gay Guy said...

As the blog has progressed over time, I've seen that most issues --take our recent posts on locker rooms-- that seem to be stereotypically gay or straight have lots of cross over between straights and gays.

This get up, however, is all for you straight guys. It's a mystery to me.

Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce. . .

kathryn said...

Gee. Who wakes up in the morning and decides "The world is in need of some cheeseburger attire"? I could see her sitting next to the guy with the hat that siphons the beer into his mouth...

Straight in Upstate said...

It's Spring. Mrs. Straight Guy needs to send your butt out of the house to mulch something. If you live in an apartment, it might be time to buy a house with a yard. Waaaaay too much time on your hands.

Straight Guy said...

I promise you I was not out looking for cheeseburger skirts. These things find me. I google-notebooked that a few weeks ago.

Mulch and mowing update next week. No complaining when it actually happens.

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