Straight Guy Surrenders, Internet Wins (again)

Nnnn! Testosterone...levels...dropping....


Oh, crap. Now I want one.

--Straight Guy


Anonymous said...

Aw . . . very cute. I still want a Yorkie over a cat.

Unknown said...

SG - you want pussy? LOL :) Okay, not much of a cat lover, but that is really cute.

Gay Guy said...

Where's PETA? Amnesty International? ACLU?

Betsy said... husband has been asking me if I've seen that video yet for the last two days. Now I can tell him, yes dear.

The Expatresse said...

"The trouble with a kitten is THAT when it grows up, it is always a CAT!" Ogden Nash

I still think cats are pretty much fun. I have two.

Straight in Upstate said...

Couldn't let you fall alone, SG - I resisted for days and finally clicked on it.

kathryn said...

Oh, God...that's the cutest thing ever! If they could get every animal at the ASPCA to do that maneuver, I'll bet they'd all get adopted.

But anythings are pretty darn cute. Mother Nature's way of making sure they're not abandoned, right?

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Thank you! One more cat video my 5 year old hasn't seen that I can pull out when he's annoying the crap outta me. :)

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