Ad Watch: Straight Guys Ruin Everything - International Edition


I mentioned that Gay Guy is on vacation. Sorry if things have seemed a little straight around here. If you've missed his gentle wit, insight, and perspective, I'm sorry to inform you that today's topics include Mexican anti-fart medication and Russian strippers selling tires. Hurry back, GG.

Doesn't matter where you are, if someone is going to ruin the mood, it's going to be the straight guy, right? I've explored this theme before, but isn't there a small chance that this commercial might have been funnier and more unexpected if the woman was to blame? Or, is that too mean?

Sure, sometimes straight guys are responsible for foul emissions -- like this tire commercial from somewhere in the Cyrillic alphabet zone. Let's guess Russia. Warning: must be watched, but might be NSFW.

Buying tires is about the least sexy thing I can think of. This ad didn't change my perspective. Every single creative decision went wrong here. One crotch shot just wasn't enough? Were those intimidating ladies directed to duck under the flying tires or did they just decide to add that effect later? AND it's way too long... I think... let me rewind and double check... yes, too long. But so bad that I can't not watch.

Nice try, Russian tire manufacturers. You made those Victoria's Secret commercials directed by Michael Bay (explosions! knives! helicopters! Marissa Miller playing pool!) seem refined and subtle in comparison... I think... let me rewind and double check...

--Straight Guy


j.m. neeb said...

I am now going to buy ALL my tires in Russia.

Straight in Upstate said...

Actually I think the tires is a gay commercial. I immediately thought of choreography from two musicals: Cabaret and Chicago...and we all know straight men don't watch musicals.

Oddyoddyo13 said...

I find it hard to believe you rewound the tire commercial because it was "too bad to watch". Yeah, nice try SG. My Mom told me better than that. (Isn't that a song?)

Straight Guy said...

I know what you mean, Upstate. There was a touring production of Chicago here a few years back and the TV commercials were zesty to say the least. Fishnets, heels, and hotpants. Not much dancing, just a lot of flexing. And I thought that they must need a lot of straight men to fill those seats.

Anonymous said...

So, if the beauties in the tire ad passed gas, would you be happy then? Both commercials make me want to take an antacid.

kathryn said...

Huh. My take on the first ad was completely different. I thought he was sitting in a jet-jacuzzi w/lady...wanted to fool around and was having trouble (ahem) hoisting the sail. I figured it was a pill like viagara and he was watching it work it's magic thru the bubbles. Anyhow, that's my (female) take on it.

As for the tire ad? I noticed 2 things: First, they all had great legs. And second, the tops of their hair never moved a centimeter...even through they whipped their tresses every which way. Gee...I can't imagine why you guys didn't notice this...

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