We've covered the straight beer vs. gay wine debate in some our first posts (here and here). But new data from Gallup shows that beer is back to a double-digit lead over wine as America's favorite drink. (Back in '05, wine surged past beer in a one-year anomaly, probably based on the influence of the movie "Sideways.")
But, for the over-50 crowd, wine has long been the top pick. (Here's the link to the full story.)

Oops, gotta run.
[Door slams. The sound of quick steps fading away.]
--Straight Guy
Red wine only. Because it is good for a man's heart. Have you never read an issue of Men's Health?
It's not because GG's old. He was the resident wine conn-o-sewer back in the early 1980s. He did his best to steer folks away from Table Red and Table White (when most New York State wine was Mad Dog in a classier label)whenever possible. Actually, I'm a little surprised he didn't invent the sandals with concealed corkscrew back then...
Oh, SG...you are SO MEAN. Can I assume you are of the "Coors" mentality? I'm with GG here...it's wine all the way...unless it's really HOT. And I'm OUTSIDE. And someone hands me a Corona with a slice of key lime...yum.
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