Le Beaujolais Nouveau est Arrive!

Last evening was a modest, but fun, outing for Gay Guy and Straight Guy. It pretty much ran the spectrum of the gay/straight experience.

GG/SG got tickets to the basketball game and headed down to the arena. Two beers, one victory, but no "Priceless" MasterCard moment later, we were out on the sidewalk waiting for a friend.

A bunch of work colleagues, also at the game, encouraged us to join them at a bar. Probably what they used to call a 'beer garden.' I think the place is a chain. I imagine it as big as a barn, made to look like it's a century old, very clubby. Lots of after work crowd crowding around after work. Guys in ties. Straight people on the romantic hunt.

Our friend nix'd the beer garden fast. Nope. Wine. Le Beaujolais Nouveau est Arrive! Big wine day. So, we're off to a small French wine bar on the edge of 'boystown' to celebrate. I can tell SG would really prefer to huddle down with a beer, but we're off for the new wine.

It was pretty fun. Small dark bar, too much wine. Pretty women. Pretty boys. Good music. Dancing. Girls and boys dancing, boys and boys dancing, girls and girls dancing. For some reason, dancing with swags of toilet paper. . . .

Best moment for me was the host/emcee -- this guy dancing on the bar. He popped up on the bar with what looked like a power tool in his hand. Turned out to be a worklight, which he pointed to the ceiling to catch the light of a disco ball bolted there. You gotta admire anyone who can turn a stationary disco ball into something fabulous. That's my people. Glitter and be gay. And, let's face it, when a gay guy shows up with what looks like a power tool in his hand, you gotta pay attention.


--Gay Guy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think my signature comment will have to be in the form of lyrics - showtune or otherwise. So I sing to you:

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me tonight.....

a Fete de Beaujolais Nouveau ....Drinking lots of cheap wine....with no sleazy dancing in sight!