Hall of Badassery: Cold Water Surfing

I've been to Duluth. This is not in the brochure.

If Red Bull ever offers me a sponsorship, remind me to think twice.

Check out the icicles on his face. Was no one worried about frostbite? Or, more importantly, permashrinkage?

--Straight Guy

Older entries into the Hall of Badassery can be found here.


Anonymous said...

badassery indeed!!! Even hard core surfing addicts would have to think twice. But....I mean. Did you see those waves???? And no lineup. :)

BTW - SG. Soul surfer. Come on. Please! How can you go wrong?

straight in upstate said...

No competition for waves, no sharks, brats and beer afterward - everyone will be surfing Duluth next winter!

Anonymous said...

That lake is too cold to swim in during the summer, let alone in the winter! And there are rocks, stone beaches, and cliffs right into the water.

Crazy badassery......gay or straight.

Dorn said...

Badass Crazy Line is blurring a bit for me here. Props to him I just hope he's fully disclosed his hobby to his future widow.

Straight Guy said...

Thanks, everyone.

I've been in very cold water and, after the shock, you can feel your abilities (to move, to think) fade away. I don't know how long a wetsuit can protect you. Maybe they came back (from a hot lunch and warm fire) multiple times to get all of this footage.

Gay Guy / Straight Guy Archive