Thanks for sending along this clip. Sorry that it took me a while to open it because I really enjoyed watching it.
Readers, if you haven't already seen this clip bouncing around YouTube, watch it. The University of Rochester YellowJackets, a men's a capella singing group, retooled Taylor Swift's pop wonder "You Belong with Me" from a same-sex love perspective.
Watch the remake.
Watch the original.
See the video live at the YellowJacket concert (most fun of all).
I love both versions of the video. A true crush knows no boundaries. Not sure how the Incredible Adventures of Two Boys in Love would have gone down at prom night at my high school, but I'm a hopeless romantic.
--Gay Guy
Awww that was a great. Makes me hopeful.
That video was so adorable! I laughed the whole time. I've got to check out more of their stuff, if they have any.
This is off-topic (or maybe not): collegiate men's a capella groups - gay or straight? My town has a coordinate men's & women's colleges, both have a capella groups. I don't think young women singers are cast as lesbians, but are male "a capellaists" considered gay? (I've played the violin since 4th grade so I was called a faggot before I could spell it.)I haven't heard our groups and I should - I think many college groups are doing stuff like the Yellowjackets - I've seen photos and the men look like jocks who just wanna sing. Thoughts, SG or GG?
Wait. A college a capella group taking a straight song and making it less straight? Will wonders never cease?
No, I don't think you can stereotype all of these groups or all of the participants, but I hope that these groups are a safe haven for theatrical boys who might have trouble fitting in elsewhere. But, straight or gay, if there's a song in your heart, you gotta let it out.
By the way, both GG and I love "Glee" on Fox, and they've done a great job exploring this issue from all sides.
Upstate, hate to break it to you, but around here, an athletic physique doesn't give away your orientation. Some of these gay guys are ripped! What? I'm not blind.
I shouldn't have implied that jocks aren't gay nor gays aren't jocks.
I never heard the Taylor Swift song until today, now it. won't. go. away. And that's why pop songwriters make pantloads of money (with the right lawyer). I'm going to smack the crap out of both of you if I ever get the chance. Must now listen to the theme from Beverly Hillbillies as a chaser.
Okay... I love that one even more than the hilarious National Geographic documentary that had life sized sperms running up a mountainside. Now I feel like popping in my favorite gay romance, Trick.
One of the best things about the video is how well acted it is. These guys were subtle and in character, not over the top.
Thank you for this! I love the Taylor Swift song (don't hate) and I loved the alternate video. I'm with GG, they did a great job with the acting. And the object of the crush? What a little hottie! And the video of them on stage, with the Kanye send up was priceless!!
Oh, God...this was so sweet. Love is LOVE. No matter how you slice it...
This is something really funny but at the same time I think that man is so obsessed with Taylor, maybe he's a big fan of her for that reason he use to imitate her.m10m
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